T'ai Shen Centre: A space for Chinese Pure Land Buddhism

Mindfulness within our Buddhist Practice is not just some technique but a total way of life. The ways of the world are concerned with creating results. Our practice is about creating Causes - the causes of Compassion, Wisdom and Happiness for all beings.

Mindfulness Training China

International courses in Mindfulness Training, Mindfulness and Naikan Studies take place at intervals throughout the year. For further information go to our websites www.chinaedutours.com or www.taishendo.com

This is a unique and adventurous course which takes you to your deepest values.
• Reduce Stress and Worry
• Rise above fear, doubt and insecurity
• Handle painful thoughts & feelings more effectively
• Break self defeating habits
• Improve performance in your work
• Have more satisfying relationships
• Create a rich, full and meaningful life

This is not just an ordinary course. It is a life changing adventure.